Best Info About How To Keep Aggro As A Death Knight

Death & decay is, imo, a dk's main threat builder, along.
How to keep aggro as a death knight. Also allows the death knight to enter a stealth state (which breaks on movement); You want a dk main. Post by quickx other than pulling, death grip can be a great way to gain a bit of aggro, cause of it making the mob attack you for so long.
Then stay put until the mobs are dead. First, make sure your healer isn't going heal crazy. For garothi worldbreaker, a blood dk does not have very many effective abilities, and death knights are not very practical for movement speed, if you use a blood dk in this.
Death's caress is a ranged aggro generator that also applies blood plague. Addons can be founnd on the first vi. Now, for those, your best friend is rotating through enemies and building aggro on them.
That was the easiest way for me to keep group agro, two or three enemies you can just heart strike to hit them all, anything more than 3 dnd and bb spam :p bonestorm is a fun one too if. As a bonus, icebound fortitude. We list the common mistakes that you should try to.
It's only 20% damage reduction, but with huge cataclysm health pools, that may be enough to keep you alive until the tank takes back aggro. Use icy touch and/or death coil to pull melee types to you use death grip and/or strangulate to pull caster types to you once everything is nicely bunched up, use icy touch >. You have to hit things to keep aggro.
Don't pull and charge to the next group, you are not a. To aggro a mob, do your pull, and drop your aoe spells. Because blood is bad at fast aoe threat.